: < T&C Vectors [Tcx]
> requires Programmers, Engineers (Software /Hardware/Networks)
], Domain Experts having ability , agility and Inclination to
build Xtreme Applications.
Ability to design, think forward and adapt will be appreciated. Clarity in thought
, sophisticated simplicty,professionalism , free spiritedness and healthy ego are
traits that would be valued.
aEducation is not a Constraint , however it can't be totally ignored.
Seriously motivated , Sufficiently self evaluated Players may apply to with the Subject :[ Classified : SoftWare / Hardware / Domain /
Accounts Position: Level
1/2/3/4 ...7 ]
A Team (2 Members) of Accounting Professionals [ with Knowledge of Indian Accounting
Practices and Company Law ] are also required.
Note: Level 1 is Lowest and Level 7 is the highest position of a discipline .
All positions will be Initially around [ Mysore ]. T&C Vectors [Tcx] is not necessarily
looking for winners.It's looking at balanced individuals with a sufficiently strong
footing in their disciplines.