using System; using System.Collections; using System.Configuration; using System.Data; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.Security; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls; using System.Collections.Specialized; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; //using System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Reflection; using System.Runtime.CompilerServices; using EncryptionFunctions; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Threading; using Dataglobal; using System.Text; using System.Xml; using StopListWords; //using; using BingService; using DenialofService; using Enyim.Caching; using Enyim.Caching.Memcached; using Enyim.Caching.Configuration; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; public partial class MultiSearch : System.Web.UI.Page { Int64 Uid = 0; Int32 SearchFlag = -1; string strSQL; int s; int pages; int rowperpages = 10; // string QUERY_MACRO = " ()"; string _queryString = ""; public DataSet DatasetSearch; protected int SR_SPELLING = 0; protected int SR_IMAGE = 1; protected int SR_WEB = 2; // Replace with your own developer ID from // string _APPID = "9FAD77179BF2CE6860F6EA74B53FCEB009D87EA2"; string _APPID = "3FDEA8A09B5F110EBBD310B78B0CA71217DF7ACE"; public string webResultsHTML; LiteralControl webResultsCTL; public bool IsFirstVisit() { if (Session["IsFirstVisit"] == null) { Session["IsFirstVisit"] = false; return true; } else { return false; } } protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e) { base.OnInit(e); // Check if revisit is valid or not if (!base.IsPostBack) { // Block cookie less visit attempts if (IsFirstVisit()) { if (!ActionValidator.IsValid(ActionValidator.ActionTypeEnum.FirstVisit)) Response.End(); } else { if (!ActionValidator.IsValid(ActionValidator.ActionTypeEnum.ReVisit)) Response.End(); } } else { // Limit number of postbacks if (!ActionValidator.IsValid(ActionValidator.ActionTypeEnum.Postback)) Response.End(); } } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { DateTime dt = DateTime.UtcNow; Lblcache.Text = "Page Date UTC: " + (DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("MMM dd, yyyy")) + ", " + string.Format("{0:T}", dt); TxtSearch.Attributes.Add("onkeydown", "if(event.which || event.keyCode){if ((event.which == 13) || (event.keyCode == 13)) {document.getElementById('ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_BtnSearch').click();return false;}} else {return true}; "); DDlistDiscipline.Attributes["onchange"] = "HideParametersResults();"; DDlistEnterprise.Attributes["onchange"] = "SetContextSearch();"; DDlistSearchType.Attributes["onchange"] = "SetContextSearch();"; RadioList.Attributes["onclick"] = "SetContextSearch2();"; TxtSearch.Attributes.Add("OnKeyPress", "SetContextSearchToggle();"); TxtCityState.Attributes.Add("OnKeyPress", "SetContextSearchToggle();"); Tcvdiv.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none"); if (hiddenvaluex.Value == "") { Div1.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none"); } else { Div1.Attributes.Add("style", "display:block"); } if (!IsPostBack) { { Control GoogleAnalyticsUserControl = LoadControl("GoogleAnalytics.ascx"); Controls.Add(GoogleAnalyticsUserControl); ViewState["Count"] = 0; ViewState["Countpages"] = 0; ChkLatest.Checked = false; ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; InitialUI(); string[] Months = { "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" }; DDlistDate.Items.Add("AnyDate"); DDliststartDate.Items.Add("AnyDate"); for (Int32 i = 0; i < 2; i++) { for (Int32 j = 0; j < 12; j++) { DDlistDate.Items.Add(Months[j] + " " + System.DateTime.Now.AddYears(i).Year.ToString()); } } for (Int32 i = -1; i < 1; i++) { for (Int32 j = 0; j < 12; j++) { DDliststartDate.Items.Add(Months[j] + " " + System.DateTime.Now.AddYears(i).Year.ToString()); } } SponsorshipDetails(); } Response.Cache.SetExpires(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(1800)); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(HttpCacheability.ServerAndPrivate); Response.Cache.SetValidUntilExpires(true); } else { Response.Cache.SetNoServerCaching(); Response.Cache.SetCacheability(System.Web.HttpCacheability.NoCache); Response.Cache.SetNoStore(); Response.Cache.SetExpires(new DateTime(1900, 01, 01, 00, 00, 00, 00)); //Response.Write("search" + DateTime.Now); SponsorshipDetails(); ViewState["SearchAssist"] = TxtSearch.Text.ToString(); if (ViewState["SearchAssist"].ToString() != "") { SearchAssistBindHtml(ViewState["SearchAssist"].ToString()); } } } private void InitialUI() { searchpanel.Visible = true; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; TxtSearch.Focus(); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = " Enter Search Query "; } public bool ValidateQuery() { if ((DDlistEnterprise.SelectedValue == "Individual") & (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Any")) { PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "For Individuals Search (Search Category) must be selected"; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 770; return false; } if (TxtSearch.Text.Trim() == "") { PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Enter Search Query"; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; return false; } else { return true; } } protected void ButtonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { UIManipulations(); if (ValidateQuery()) { ViewState["hit"] = 0; ViewState["SearchText"] = TxtSearch.Text.ToString().Trim(); ViewState["SearchState"] = TxtCityState.Text.ToString().Trim(); if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } TxtPageBox.Text = ""; TxtPageBox2.Text = ""; if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Web".ToLower()) { try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Web Search"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web search Results"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } else { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Content Search"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Enterprise or Individuals "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else { populateSearch(); } } } PropertyInfo isreadonly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); // make collection editable isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);// String SessID = Session.SessionID; this.Request.QueryString.Set("tx", SessID);// make collection readonly again isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null); } private void UIManipulations() { Tcvdiv.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none"); //Divmain.Visible = false; //HyperLinksmallX.Visible = false; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 1075; } private string L2CacheSearchPattern() { string _CachePattern = ""; string SearchQuery = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx").ToLower(); string Continent = DDlistWorld.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(0, 3); string Category = DDlistDiscipline.Text.Trim(); string ReqOfering = DDlistReqOffering.Text.Trim().Substring(0, 3); ; string Country = DDlsubCountry.Text.Trim(); string contentkeywordwebename = DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(0, 3); ; string Enterprise = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedValue.ToString().Substring(0, 3); ; string StateCity = ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().ToLower(); ; string dt1 = DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString(); string dt2 = DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString(); _CachePattern = SearchQuery + "C" + "#A1_" + Continent + "#B1_" + Category + "#C1_" + ReqOfering + "#D1_" + Country + "#E1_" + contentkeywordwebename + "#F1" + Enterprise + "#G1" + StateCity + "#H1" + dt1 + "#I1" + dt2; string LatestBroadcastDays = ""; if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == true) { LatestBroadcastDays = DDListDays.SelectedValue.ToString(); _CachePattern = _CachePattern + "#X1" + LatestBroadcastDays; } return _CachePattern; } protected void ButtonSearch1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue = "Keyword"; if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } UIManipulations(); if (ValidateQuery()) { ViewState["hit"] = 0; ViewState["SearchText"] = TxtSearch.Text.ToString().Trim(); ViewState["SearchState"] = TxtCityState.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox.Text = ""; TxtPageBox2.Text = ""; if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Web".ToLower()) { try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Web"; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web search Results"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } else { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Content Search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Enterprise or Individuals "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else { populateSearch(); } } } PropertyInfo isreadonly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); // make collection editable isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);// String SessID = Session.SessionID; this.Request.QueryString.Set("tx", SessID);// make collection readonly again isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null); } protected void ButtonSearch2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue = "Content"; if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } UIManipulations(); if (ValidateQuery()) { ViewState["hit"] = 0; ViewState["SearchText"] = TxtSearch.Text.ToString().Trim(); ViewState["SearchState"] = TxtCityState.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox.Text = ""; TxtPageBox2.Text = ""; if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Web".ToLower()) { try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Web Search"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web search Results"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } else { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Content search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Enterprise or Individuals Search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else { populateSearch(); } } } PropertyInfo isreadonly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); // make collection editable isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);// String SessID = Session.SessionID; this.Request.QueryString.Set("tx", SessID);// make collection readonly again isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null); } protected void ButtonSearch3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue = "Company"; if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } UIManipulations(); if (ValidateQuery()) { ViewState["hit"] = 0; ViewState["SearchText"] = TxtSearch.Text.ToString().Trim(); ViewState["SearchState"] = TxtCityState.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox.Text = ""; TxtPageBox2.Text = ""; if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Web".ToLower()) { try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Web Search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web search Results"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } else { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Content search"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Enterprise or Individuals search"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else { populateSearch(); } } } PropertyInfo isreadonly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); // make collection editable isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);// String SessID = Session.SessionID; this.Request.QueryString.Set("tx", SessID);// make collection readonly again isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null); } protected void ButtonSearch4_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue = "Web"; if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } UIManipulations(); if (ValidateQuery()) { ViewState["hit"] = 0; ViewState["SearchText"] = TxtSearch.Text.ToString().Trim(); ViewState["SearchState"] = TxtCityState.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox.Text = ""; TxtPageBox2.Text = ""; if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Web".ToLower()) { try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Web Search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web search Results"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } else { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Content Search"; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "#Tag Assist keywords- not allowed for Enterprise or Individuals "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } else { populateSearch(); } } else { populateSearch(); } } } PropertyInfo isreadonly = typeof(System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection).GetProperty("IsReadOnly", BindingFlags.Instance | BindingFlags.NonPublic); // make collection editable isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, false, null);// String SessID = Session.SessionID; this.Request.QueryString.Set("tx", SessID);// make collection readonly again isreadonly.SetValue(this.Request.QueryString, true, null); } protected void ButtonPage_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } if (TxtPageBox.Text == "") { TxtPageBox.Text = "1"; } try { if (Int64.Parse(TxtPageBox.Text.ToString().Trim()) > Int64.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString())) { ViewState["hit"] = ViewState["pages"].ToString(); TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["pages"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["pages"].ToString(); } else { ViewState["hit"] = TxtPageBox.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox2.Text = TxtPageBox.Text.ToString().Trim(); } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Incorrect Page Number Entered"; string scriptSource = "HideParametersResultsError();"; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "testFunction31", scriptSource, true); return; } UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void ButtonPage2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } if (TxtPageBox2.Text == "") { TxtPageBox2.Text = "1"; } try { if (Int64.Parse(TxtPageBox2.Text.ToString().Trim()) > Int64.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString())) { ViewState["hit"] = ViewState["pages"].ToString(); TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["pages"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["pages"].ToString(); } else { ViewState["hit"] = TxtPageBox2.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox.Text = TxtPageBox2.Text.ToString().Trim(); } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Incorrect Page Number Entered"; string scriptSource = "HideParametersResultsError();"; this.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "testFunction32", scriptSource, true); return; } UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } ViewState["hit"] = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString(); DropDownList2.SelectedValue = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } ViewState["hit"] = DropDownList2.SelectedValue.Trim().ToString(); DropDownList1.SelectedValue = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void ButtonPrev_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } ViewState["hit"] = Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) - 1; if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) == 0 || Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) == -1) { ViewState["hit"] = 1; } TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void ButtonNext_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) == 0) { ViewState["hit"] = 1; } ViewState["hit"] = Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) + 1; if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) >= Int64.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString())) { ViewState["hit"] = Int64.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()); } TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void ButtonPrevBottom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } ViewState["hit"] = Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) - 1; if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) == 0 || Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) == -1) { ViewState["hit"] = 1; } TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } protected void ButtonNextBottom_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ChkLatest.Checked == true) { ViewState["LatestResults"] = true; } else { ViewState["LatestResults"] = false; } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) == 0) { ViewState["hit"] = 1; } ViewState["hit"] = Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) + 1; if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) >= Int64.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString())) { ViewState["hit"] = Int64.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()); } TxtPageBox.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); TxtPageBox2.Text = ViewState["hit"].ToString(); UIManipulations(); populateSearch(); } public void SponsorshipDetails() { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); // Get the XML file path string xmlFilePath = Server.MapPath("~") + "/Sponsorship/Adrot.xml"; // Load the XML File xmldoc.Load(xmlFilePath); XmlNodeList xmlnode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("Ad"); Table MainSponsorshipTable = new Table(); TableRow R1 = new TableRow(); TableCell Announcement = new TableCell(); Announcement.Text = " [ This space is classified for selected World Changing Promotions and for announcements of Large scale emergencies.Contact T&C Vectors. ] "; Announcement.Width = 255; for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) { string strNavigate = xmlnode[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText; // update Description string strCompany = xmlnode[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText; // update Active string strCaption = xmlnode[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText; System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink but = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink(); but.Target = "_blank"; if (strNavigate != "") { but.NavigateUrl = "http://" + strNavigate; but.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen; } else { but.NavigateUrl = ""; but.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen; } if (strNavigate.Length >= 25) { but.Text = strNavigate.Substring(0, 25); } else { but.Text = strNavigate; } Label Company = new Label(); if (strCompany.Length >= 25) { Company.Text = strCompany.Substring(0, 25); } else { Company.Text = strCompany; } Label Caption = new Label(); if (strCaption.Length >= 35) { Caption.Text = strCaption.Substring(0, 35); } else { Caption.Text = strCaption; } TableRow Hyperlinkrow1 = new TableRow(); TableCell HyperCell1 = new TableCell(); HyperCell1.Controls.Add(Company); HyperCell1.Font.Bold = true; HyperCell1.Font.Size = 10; HyperCell1.Font.Name = "Arial"; HyperCell1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; HyperCell1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; Hyperlinkrow1.Cells.Add(HyperCell1); TableRow Hyperlinkrow2 = new TableRow(); TableCell HyperCell2 = new TableCell(); HyperCell2.Controls.Add(Caption); HyperCell2.Font.Bold = true; HyperCell2.Font.Size = 10; HyperCell2.Font.Name = "Arial"; HyperCell2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; HyperCell2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; //Hyperlinkrow1.Cells.Add(HyperCell1); Hyperlinkrow2.Cells.Add(HyperCell2); TableRow Hyperlinkrow3 = new TableRow(); TableCell HyperCell3 = new TableCell(); HyperCell3.Controls.Add(but); HyperCell3.Font.Bold = true; HyperCell3.Font.Size = 10; HyperCell3.Font.Name = "Arial"; HyperCell3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow; HyperCell3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; //Hyperlinkrow1.Cells.Add(HyperCell1); Hyperlinkrow3.Cells.Add(HyperCell3); TableRow Row = new TableRow(); Table T1 = new Table(); // T1.Width = 235; T1.Rows.Add(Hyperlinkrow1); T1.Rows.Add(Hyperlinkrow2); T1.Rows.Add(Hyperlinkrow3); TableCell FinalCell = new TableCell(); FinalCell.Controls.Add(T1); R1.Controls.Add(FinalCell); MainSponsorshipTable.Rows.Add(R1); } TableCell x1 = new TableCell(); x1.Controls.Add(MainSponsorshipTable); // Sponsorship.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); Sponsorship.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("This Space is Sponsored by")); Sponsorship.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); TableRow Rx = new TableRow(); // Rx.Controls.Add(Announcement); Rx.Controls.Add(x1); Table FinalTable = new Table(); FinalTable.Controls.Add(Rx); Sponsorship.Controls.Add(FinalTable); Sponsorship.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); } public string[] Advertisements(Int32 i) { XmlDocument xmldoc = new XmlDocument(); // Get the XML file path string xmlFilePath = Server.MapPath("~") + "/Sponsorship/Adrot.xml"; // Load the XML File xmldoc.Load(xmlFilePath); XmlNodeList xmlnode = xmldoc.GetElementsByTagName("Ad"); Table MainSponsorshipTable = new Table(); TableRow R1 = new TableRow(); TableCell Announcement = new TableCell(); Announcement.Text = " [ This space is classified for selected World Changing Promotions and for announcements of Large scale emergencies.Contact T&C Vectors. ] "; Announcement.Width = 255; string strNavigate = xmlnode[i].ChildNodes[0].InnerText; // update Description string strCompany = xmlnode[i].ChildNodes[1].InnerText; // update Active string strCaption = xmlnode[i].ChildNodes[2].InnerText; string[] ads = new string[3]; ads[0] = strNavigate; ads[1] = strCompany; ads[2] = strCaption; return ads; } public void populateSearch() { if (ViewState["hit"].ToString() == "0") { try { if (DDlistEnterprise.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Any".ToLower()) { SuperSearchPart1(); } else { FetchCommnd(); FetchCommnd2(); bind_table(); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Critical Data Error.Try again after some time."; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } else { try { if (DDlistEnterprise.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Any".ToLower()) { SuperSearchPart1(); } else { FetchCommnd2(); bind_table(); } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Critical Data Error.Try again after some time."; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } } public void SuperSearchPart1() { DataSet SuperResults = new DataSet(); DataSet[] DatasetArray = new DataSet[5]; Int32 count = 0; try { SuperResults = FetchCommndSuperResults(); if (ViewState["hit"].ToString() == "0") { if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) > 0) { BtnPageHit.Enabled = true; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = true; PageTop.Visible = true; PageBottom.Visible = true; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = ""; } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) > 0 & Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) < 1) { BtnPageHit.Enabled = true; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = true; PageTop.Visible = true; PageBottom.Visible = true; try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedItem + " - Inter-Xect Broadcast Search Results only"; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedItem.ToString().Substring(0, 12) + " - Inter-Xect broadcast Search Results "; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) < 1) { BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "No Search Results - Available"; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "No Broadcast Search Results Found -showing Web search results"; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) >= 1) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedItem + " - Inter-Xect Broadcast Search Results"; } ViewState["pages"] = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) / rowperpages); if (((Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) - (Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) * rowperpages)) > 0)) { ViewState["pages"] = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) + 1); } int i; DropDownList1.Items.Clear(); DropDownList2.Items.Clear(); for (i = 1; (i <= Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString())); i++) { DropDownList1.Items.Add(i.ToString()); DropDownList2.Items.Add(i.ToString()); if (i >= 20) { break; } } LblMaxPages.Text = Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) + " :Total Pages"; LblMaxPages2.Text = Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) + " :Total Pages"; ; } //---------------The difference between the normal search and super search is that we fetch the data(all records) once in a dataset and get the count and data, where //as in the normal query we fetch count and then the data(Only 10 records from sql server). bind_tableSuper(SuperResults); } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Critical Data Error.Try again after some time."; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } public delegate void DatabaseDelegate(SqlDataAdapter dbstring, out DataSet i, SqlConnection conn); public DataSet FetchCommndSuperResults() { DataSet DatasetSuperResults = new DataSet(); DataSet SuperResults = new DataSet(); DataSet SuperResultsFinal = new DataSet(); DataTable Datafinal = new DataTable(); try { DatabaseDelegate[] DDArray = new DatabaseDelegate[5]; IAsyncResult[] DDResult = new IAsyncResult[5]; DataSet[] TempDataSet = new DataSet[5]; MultiSearch mx = new MultiSearch(); try { //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d start //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d stop //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d uninstall //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d install -m 512 -p 8081 -l //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d start //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d stop //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d uninstall //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d install -m 512 -p 11211 -l //C:\mem>memcached.exe -d start Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfiguration config = new Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfiguration(); IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(""), 11211); config.Servers.Add(endpoint); config.Protocol = Enyim.Caching.Memcached.MemcachedProtocol.Text; //you must set a protocol Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient mc = new Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient(config); int z = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString())); if (z == 0) { z = 1; } String CachePattern3 = L2CacheSearchPattern(); CachePattern3 = CachePattern3 + "Super" + z; String Cache_Total_Count = CachePattern3 + "Count"; CachePattern3 = Oneway(CachePattern3); Cache_Total_Count = Oneway(Cache_Total_Count); object cachedObject_Count; cachedObject_Count = mc.Get(Cache_Total_Count); object cachedObject3; cachedObject3 = mc.Get(CachePattern3); if (cachedObject3 != null && cachedObject_Count != null) { SuperResultsFinal = (DataSet)cachedObject3; Int64 countx = SuperResultsFinal.Tables[0].Rows.Count; Int32 CacheCount = (Int32)cachedObject_Count; ViewState["Super"] = CacheCount; Lblz.Text = "High-speed-cache"; Lblz.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; Lblz.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; } else { Int32 ThreadCount = 0; string[] DatabaseList = new string[] { "Large", "Medium", "Small", "University", "Community" }; foreach (string db in DatabaseList) { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionStringAllDatabases(db)); conn.Open(); SqlCommand FetchCommandx = QueryFormsuper(conn); SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(FetchCommandx); SqlCommandBuilder cmdBldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(myDataAdapter); DDArray[ThreadCount] = new DatabaseDelegate(mx.DatabaseLevelThread); DDResult[ThreadCount] = DDArray[ThreadCount].BeginInvoke(myDataAdapter, out TempDataSet[ThreadCount], conn, null, null); ThreadCount = ThreadCount + 1; } DDArray[0].EndInvoke(out TempDataSet[0], DDResult[0]); DDArray[1].EndInvoke(out TempDataSet[1], DDResult[1]); DDArray[2].EndInvoke(out TempDataSet[2], DDResult[2]); DDArray[3].EndInvoke(out TempDataSet[3], DDResult[3]); DDArray[4].EndInvoke(out TempDataSet[4], DDResult[4]); for (Int32 i = 0; i < 5; i++) { DatasetSuperResults.Merge(TempDataSet[i]); } SuperResults = DatasetSuperResults; Int32 StartCount = 0; Int32 count = 0; Int32 Maxrow = 0; count = SuperResults.Tables[0].Rows.Count; var resultCount = mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, Cache_Total_Count, count, TimeSpan.FromHours(8.00)); ViewState["Super"] = count; Int32 remainder = Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) % rowperpages; Datafinal = SuperResults.Tables[0].Clone(); int y = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) - 1); if ((y == 0) || (y == -1)) { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = 0; if (remainder == 0 && Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) > rowperpages) { Maxrow = rowperpages; } else if (remainder != 0 && Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) > rowperpages) { Maxrow = rowperpages; } else if (remainder != 0 && Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) < rowperpages) { Maxrow = remainder; } else if (remainder != 0 && Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) == 0) { Maxrow = 0; } for (Int32 I = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()); I < Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + Maxrow; I++) { Datafinal.ImportRow((DataRow)SuperResults.Tables[0].Rows[I]); } } else if (y < Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) - 1) { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = y * rowperpages; Maxrow = rowperpages; for (Int32 I = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()); I < Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + Maxrow; I++) { Datafinal.ImportRow((DataRow)SuperResults.Tables[0].Rows[I]); } } else if (y == Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) - 1) { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = y * rowperpages; if (remainder < rowperpages) { Maxrow = remainder; } else { Maxrow = rowperpages; } for (Int32 I = Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()); I < Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + Maxrow; I++) { Datafinal.ImportRow((DataRow)SuperResults.Tables[0].Rows[I]); } } SuperResultsFinal.Tables.Add(Datafinal); var result = mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, CachePattern3, SuperResultsFinal, TimeSpan.FromHours(8.00)); Lblz.Text = "Low-speed-cache"; Lblz.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; Lblz.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Critical Data Error.Try again after some time."; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; Lblz.Text = "Data error"; Lblz.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; Lblz.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; throw ex; } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } //return DatasetSuperResults; return SuperResultsFinal; } public void DatabaseLevelThread(SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter, out DataSet TempResults, SqlConnection conn) { DataSet DatasetTemp = new DataSet(); //Thread.Sleep(i * 25000); myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetTemp, "SearchResult"); conn.Close(); TempResults = DatasetTemp; } public static string Oneway(string sPassword) { System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider x = new System.Security.Cryptography.MD5CryptoServiceProvider(); byte[] bs = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(sPassword); bs = x.ComputeHash(bs); System.Text.StringBuilder s = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); foreach (byte b in bs) { s.Append(b.ToString("x2").ToLower()); } return s.ToString(); } public static long ConvertIPToLong(string ipAddress) { System.Net.IPAddress ip; if (System.Net.IPAddress.TryParse(ipAddress, out ip)) { byte[] bytes = ip.GetAddressBytes(); return (long)(((long)bytes[0] << 24) | (bytes[1] << 16) | (bytes[2] << 8) | bytes[3]); } else return 0; } public void FetchCommnd() { try { Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfiguration config = new Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfiguration(); IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(""), 11211); config.Servers.Add(endpoint); config.Protocol = Enyim.Caching.Memcached.MemcachedProtocol.Text; //you must set a protocol Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient mc = new Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient(config); String CachePattern = L2CacheSearchPattern(); CachePattern = CachePattern + "Count"; CachePattern = Oneway(CachePattern); object cachedObject; cachedObject = mc.Get(CachePattern); if (cachedObject != null) { DatasetSearch = (DataSet)cachedObject; } else { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()); DatasetSearch = new DataSet(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand FetchCommandx = QueryForm(conn); SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(FetchCommandx); SqlCommandBuilder cmdBldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(myDataAdapter); myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetSearch, "SearchResult"); var result = mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, CachePattern, DatasetSearch, TimeSpan.FromHours(8.00)); conn.Close(); } //ViewState["s"] = DatasetSearch.Tables[0].Rows.Count; ViewState["s"] = DatasetSearch.Tables[0].Rows[0]["Count"]; //if (DatasetSearch.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) > 0) { BtnPageHit.Enabled = true; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = true; PageTop.Visible = true; PageBottom.Visible = true; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = ""; } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) > 0 & Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) < 1) { BtnPageHit.Enabled = true; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = true; PageTop.Visible = true; PageBottom.Visible = true; try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedItem + " -Inter-Xect Broadcast Search Results only"; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedItem + " -Inter-Xect broadcast Search Results"; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) < 1) { BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; try { string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "No Search Results - Available"; } else { Searchweb(search + " " + ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim()); MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "No Broadcast Search Results Found - Showing web search results "; } } catch { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Web Search Engine: Failure"; } } if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) >= 1) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = DDlistEnterprise.SelectedItem + " -Inter-Xect Broadcast Search Results"; } ViewState["pages"] = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) / rowperpages); if (((Int32.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) - (Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) * rowperpages)) > 0)) { ViewState["pages"] = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) + 1); } int i; DropDownList1.Items.Clear(); DropDownList2.Items.Clear(); for (i = 1; (i <= Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString())); i++) { DropDownList1.Items.Add(i.ToString()); DropDownList2.Items.Add(i.ToString()); if (i >= 20) { break; } } LblMaxPages.Text = Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) + " :Total Pages"; LblMaxPages2.Text = Int32.Parse(ViewState["pages"].ToString()) + " :Total Pages"; ; DatasetSearch.Clear(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } } public void FetchCommnd2() { try { Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfiguration config = new Enyim.Caching.Configuration.MemcachedClientConfiguration(); IPEndPoint endpoint = new IPEndPoint(System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(""), 11211); config.Servers.Add(endpoint); config.Protocol = Enyim.Caching.Memcached.MemcachedProtocol.Text; //you must set a protocol Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient mc = new Enyim.Caching.MemcachedClient(config); String CachePattern2 = L2CacheSearchPattern(); int PageNos = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString())); if (PageNos == 0) { PageNos = 1; } CachePattern2 = CachePattern2 + "Results" + PageNos.ToString(); CachePattern2 = Oneway(CachePattern2); object cachedObject2; cachedObject2 = mc.Get(CachePattern2); if (cachedObject2 != null) { DatasetSearch = (DataSet)cachedObject2; Lblz.Text = "High-speed-cache"; Lblz.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; Lblz.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; } else { SqlConnection conn = new SqlConnection(GetConnectionString()); try { DatasetSearch = new DataSet(); conn.Open(); SqlCommand FetchCommandx = QueryForm2(conn); SqlDataAdapter myDataAdapter = new SqlDataAdapter(FetchCommandx); SqlCommandBuilder cmdBldr = new SqlCommandBuilder(myDataAdapter); Int32 x; x = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) - 1); if ((x == 0) || (x == -1)) { // myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetSearch, 0, rowperpages, "SearchResult"); myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetSearch, "SearchResult"); var result = mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, CachePattern2, DatasetSearch, TimeSpan.FromHours(8.00)); Lblz.Text = "Low-speed-cache"; Lblz.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; Lblz.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; } else { //myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetSearch, 0, rowperpages, "SearchResult"); //myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetSearch, (x * rowperpages), rowperpages, "SearchResult"); myDataAdapter.Fill(DatasetSearch, "SearchResult"); var result = mc.Store(Enyim.Caching.Memcached.StoreMode.Set, CachePattern2, DatasetSearch, TimeSpan.FromHours(8.00)); Lblz.Text = "Low-speed-cache"; Lblz.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Silver; Lblz.Font.Size = FontUnit.Small; } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "Critical Data Error.Try again after some time."; MessageEnterpriseLabel.Width = 650; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; throw ex; } finally { conn.Close(); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } } public SqlCommand QueryForm(SqlConnection conn) { string strSQL = ""; SqlCommand FetchCommand; strSQL = " "; FetchCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); FetchCommand = keyorContentQuery(FetchCommand, conn); if (DDlistWorld.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", DDlistWorld.Text.Trim()); } FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Domain", DBNull.Value); if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() != "Any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Discipline", DDlistDiscipline.Text.Trim()); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Discipline", DBNull.Value); } FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Broadcasttype", DDlistReqOffering.Text.Trim()); FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Domain_Type", DBNull.Value); if (DDlsubCountry.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() != "any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", DDlsubCountry.Text.Trim()); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", DBNull.Value); } if (ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() != "") { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchState"].ToString())); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", DBNull.Value); } if (DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString() == ("AnyDate")) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString()); } if (DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString() == ("AnyDate")) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datestart", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datestart", DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString()); } return FetchCommand; } public SqlCommand keyorContentQuery(SqlCommand Fetchcmd, SqlConnection conn) { if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == false) { if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "keyword".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = " SELECT count(*) as Count FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type = @Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and ( ( Keyword1 Like @Keyword1 or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1x or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2 Like @Keyword1 or keyword2 Like @Keyword1x or keyword2 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2a Like @Keyword1 or keyword2a Like @Keyword1x or keyword2a Like @Keyword1xy ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim())); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1x", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "_"); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1xy", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "__"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = "SELECT count(*) as Count FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and (Enterprise_Name like @Enterprise_Name ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Enterprise_Name", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "%"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx"); strSQL = "SELECT count(*) as Count FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and CONTAINS(Project_Requirement, @Project_Requirement ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); string[] words = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); StringBuilder split1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split1Final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2Final = new StringBuilder(); //StopList stplist = new StopList(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (i != words.Length - 1) { //if (words[i].Length > 3) if (!CheckIfStopword(words[i].ToLower())) { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " and ")); } } else { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " ")); } } split1Final.Append(split1); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project_Requirement", split1Final.ToString()); } } else if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == true) { string Days = DDListDays.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "keyword".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = " SELECT count(*) as Count FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type = @Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and ( ( Keyword1 Like @Keyword1 or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1x or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2 Like @Keyword1 or keyword2 Like @Keyword1x or keyword2 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2a Like @Keyword1 or keyword2a Like @Keyword1x or keyword2a Like @Keyword1xy ) ) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim())); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1x", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "_"); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1xy", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "__"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = "SELECT count(*) as Count FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and (Enterprise_Name like @Enterprise_Name ) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Enterprise_Name", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "%"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx"); strSQL = "SELECT count(*) as Count FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and CONTAINS(Project_Requirement, @Project_Requirement ) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); string[] words = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); StringBuilder split1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split1Final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2Final = new StringBuilder(); //StopList stplist = new StopList(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (i != words.Length - 1) { //if (words[i].Length > 3) if (!CheckIfStopword(words[i].ToLower())) { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " and ")); } } else { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " ")); } } split1Final.Append(split1); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project_Requirement", split1Final.ToString()); } } return Fetchcmd; } public bool CheckIfStopword(string word) { bool Flag = false; for (int j = 0; j < StopList.SMART_STOP_WORDS.Length; j++) { if (word.ToLower() == StopList.SMART_STOP_WORDS[j]) { Flag = true; break; } } return Flag; } public SqlCommand QueryForm2(SqlConnection conn) { string strSQL = ""; SqlCommand FetchCommand; strSQL = " "; FetchCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); FetchCommand = keyorContentQuery2(FetchCommand, conn); if (DDlistWorld.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", DDlistWorld.Text.Trim()); } FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Domain", DBNull.Value); if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() != "Any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Discipline", DDlistDiscipline.Text.Trim()); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Discipline", DBNull.Value); } FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Broadcasttype", DDlistReqOffering.Text.Trim()); FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Domain_Type", DBNull.Value); if (DDlsubCountry.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() != "any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", DDlsubCountry.Text.Trim()); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", DBNull.Value); } if (ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() != "") { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchState"].ToString())); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", DBNull.Value); } if (DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString() == ("AnyDate")) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString()); } if (DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString() == ("AnyDate")) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datestart", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datestart", DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString()); } return FetchCommand; } public SqlCommand keyorContentQuery2(SqlCommand Fetchcmd, SqlConnection conn) { int y = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) - 1); if ((y == 0) || (y == -1)) { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = 0; } else { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = y * rowperpages; } if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == false) { if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "keyword".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = " Select * from (SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type = @Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and ( ( Keyword1 Like @Keyword1 or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1x or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2 Like @Keyword1 or keyword2 Like @Keyword1x or keyword2 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2a Like @Keyword1 or keyword2a Like @Keyword1x or keyword2a Like @Keyword1xy ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) )) ) as QueryTable where rownum > " + ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString() + " AND rownum <= " + (Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + rowperpages); Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim())); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1x", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "_"); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1xy", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "__"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and (Enterprise_Name like @Enterprise_Name ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) )) as QueryTable where rownum > " + ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString() + " AND rownum <= " + (Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + rowperpages); Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Enterprise_Name", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "%"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and CONTAINS(Project_Requirement, @Project_Requirement) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) )) as QueryTable where rownum > " + ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString() + " AND rownum <= " + (Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + rowperpages); Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); string[] words = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); StringBuilder split1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split1Final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2Final = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (i != words.Length - 1) { if (!CheckIfStopword(words[i].ToLower())) { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " and ")); } } else { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " ")); } } split1Final.Append(split1); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project_Requirement", split1Final.ToString()); } } else if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == true) { string Days = DDListDays.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "keyword".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = " Select * from (SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type = @Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and ( ( Keyword1 Like @Keyword1 or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1x or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2 Like @Keyword1 or keyword2 Like @Keyword1x or keyword2 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2a Like @Keyword1 or keyword2a Like @Keyword1x or keyword2a Like @Keyword1xy ) ) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " ) as QueryTable where rownum > " + ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString() + " AND rownum <= " + (Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + rowperpages); Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim())); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1x", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "_"); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1xy", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "__"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and (Enterprise_Name like @Enterprise_Name) and create_date > getdate()" + Days + " ) as QueryTable where rownum > " + ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString() + " AND rownum <= " + (Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + rowperpages); Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Enterprise_Name", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "%"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and CONTAINS(Project_Requirement, @Project_Requirement) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " ) as QueryTable where rownum > " + ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString() + " AND rownum <= " + (Int32.Parse(ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"].ToString()) + rowperpages); Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); string[] words = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); StringBuilder split1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split1Final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2Final = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (i != words.Length - 1) { if (!CheckIfStopword(words[i].ToLower())) { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " and ")); } } else { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " ")); } } split1Final.Append(split1); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project_Requirement", split1Final.ToString()); } } return Fetchcmd; } public SqlCommand QueryFormsuper(SqlConnection conn) { string strSQL = ""; SqlCommand FetchCommand; strSQL = " "; FetchCommand = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); FetchCommand = keyorContentQuerySuper(FetchCommand, conn); if (DDlistWorld.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Location", DDlistWorld.Text.Trim()); } FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Domain", DBNull.Value); if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() != "Any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Discipline", DDlistDiscipline.Text.Trim()); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Discipline", DBNull.Value); } FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Broadcasttype", DDlistReqOffering.Text.Trim()); FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Domain_Type", DBNull.Value); if (DDlsubCountry.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() != "any".ToLower()) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", DDlsubCountry.Text.Trim()); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Country", DBNull.Value); } if (ViewState["SearchState"].ToString().Trim().ToLower() != "") { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchState"].ToString())); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@City", DBNull.Value); } if (DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString() == ("AnyDate")) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Date", DDlistDate.SelectedValue.ToString()); } if (DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString() == ("AnyDate")) { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datestart", DBNull.Value); } else { FetchCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Datestart", DDliststartDate.SelectedValue.ToString()); } return FetchCommand; } public SqlCommand keyorContentQuerySuper(SqlCommand Fetchcmd, SqlConnection conn) { int y = (Int32.Parse(ViewState["hit"].ToString()) - 1); if ((y == 0) || (y == -1)) { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = 0; } else { ViewState["SqlStartPageNos"] = y * rowperpages; } if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == false) { if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "keyword".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = " Select * from (SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type = @Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and ( ( Keyword1 Like @Keyword1 or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1x or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2 Like @Keyword1 or keyword2 Like @Keyword1x or keyword2 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2a Like @Keyword1 or keyword2a Like @Keyword1x or keyword2a Like @Keyword1xy ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) )) as QueryTable"; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim())); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1x", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "_"); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1xy", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "__"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and (Enterprise_Name like @Enterprise_Name ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) )) as QueryTable "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Enterprise_Name", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "%"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and CONTAINS(Project_Requirement, @Project_Requirement) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)= COALESCE(@Datestart,(DateName(Month,Req_Start_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Start_Date)) ) ) and ( DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' ' + DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)= COALESCE(@Date,(DateName(Month,Req_Finish_Date)+ ' '+DateName(Year,Req_Finish_Date)) ) )) as QueryTable "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); string[] words = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); StringBuilder split1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split1Final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2Final = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (i != words.Length - 1) { if (!CheckIfStopword(words[i].ToLower())) { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " and ")); } } else { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " ")); } } split1Final.Append(split1); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project_Requirement", split1Final.ToString()); } } else if ((bool)ViewState["LatestResults"] == true) { string Days = DDListDays.SelectedValue.ToString(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "keyword".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = " Select * from (SELECT * ,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type = @Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) ) " + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and ( ( Keyword1 Like @Keyword1 or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1x or Keyword1 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2 Like @Keyword1 or keyword2 Like @Keyword1x or keyword2 Like @Keyword1xy ) or (keyword2a Like @Keyword1 or keyword2a Like @Keyword1x or keyword2a Like @Keyword1xy ) ) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " ) as QueryTable"; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim())); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1x", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "_"); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Keyword1xy", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "__"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("ampx", "&"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and (Enterprise_Name like @Enterprise_Name ) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " ) as QueryTable "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Enterprise_Name", HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()) + "%"); } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToString().ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { ViewState["SearchText"] = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Replace("&", "ampx"); strSQL = "Select * from (SELECT *,ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Clicks desc,Positives desc,Create_Date asc, BroadcastID) AS rownum FROM Enterprise_Broadcasts where project_domain=( ISNULL(@Domain,project_domain) ) and Project_Domain_type=( ISNULL(@Domain_Type,Project_Domain_type) ) and (Project_Discipline = ( ISNULL(@Discipline,Project_Discipline) )) and (Broadcast_type =@Broadcasttype) and Location=( ISNULL(@Location,Location) )" + " and SubLocation= (ISNULL(@Country,SubLocation) ) and Keyword3=(ISNULL(@City,Keyword3)) and CONTAINS(Project_Requirement, @Project_Requirement) and create_date > getdate() " + Days + " ) as QueryTable "; Fetchcmd = new SqlCommand(strSQL, conn); string[] words = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().Split(' '); StringBuilder split1 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2 = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split1Final = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder split2Final = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < words.Length; i++) { if (i != words.Length - 1) { if (!CheckIfStopword(words[i].ToLower())) { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " and ")); } } else { split1.Append(("\"" + HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(words[i]) + "*" + "\"" + " ")); } } split1Final.Append(split1); SqlParameter param = new SqlParameter(); Fetchcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Project_Requirement", split1Final.ToString()); } } return Fetchcmd; } public void bind_table() { int i; TableCell tcxy = new TableCell(); tcxy.Text = "
"; tcxy.ColumnSpan = 8; TableRow theaderline = new TableRow(); theaderline.Cells.Add(tcxy); Table Table1 = new Table(); //Table1.Font.Size = 10; Table1.Font.Name = "Arial"; if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) > 0) { // Table1.Rows.Add(theader); Table1.Rows.Add(theaderline); for (i = 0; (i < rowperpages); i++) { if ((Int64.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()) <= rowperpages)) { rowperpages = Int32.Parse(ViewState["s"].ToString()); } try { DataRow drow = DatasetSearch.Tables[0].Rows[i]; TableRow tr = new TableRow(); tr.Height = 50; tr.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; tr.BorderWidth = 1; string TransactionCost = CostofTransaction((drow[21].ToString())); DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Parse(drow[9].ToString()); DateTime EndDate = DateTime.Parse(drow[10].ToString()); String StateCity = drow[18].ToString(); if (StateCity == "Any" || StateCity == "any") { StateCity = "No City or State Information"; } string Key1 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[15].ToString()); if (Key1.StartsWith("#")) { Key1 = "--x--"; } string Key2 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[16].ToString()); if (Key2.StartsWith("#")) { Key2 = "--x--"; } string Key3 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[17].ToString()); if (Key3.StartsWith("#")) { Key3 = "--x--"; } TableCell tc = new TableCell(); tc.Width = Unit.Percentage(6); int rowcount; if (ViewState["hit"].ToString() == "0") { ViewState["Temphit"] = "1"; } else { ViewState["Temphit"] = ViewState["hit"]; } if ((Int32.Parse(ViewState["Temphit"].ToString()) == 1)) { rowcount = (i + 1); } else { rowcount = ((rowperpages * (Int32.Parse(ViewState["Temphit"].ToString()) - 1)) + (i + 1)); } tc.Text = rowcount.ToString(); tr.Cells.Add(tc); string EnterpriseData = drow[24].ToString() + " " + EmployeeStrength(drow[3].ToString()); // ''''' tc = new TableCell(); tc.Width = Unit.Percentage(27); if (drow[1].ToString().Length >= 33) { string email = ""; string emailx = drow[2].ToString(); int startindex = emailx.IndexOf("@"); string domain = emailx.Substring(startindex + 1); if (domain.Length >= 20) { email = " [ @" + domain.Substring(0, 20) + " ]"; } else { email = " [ @" + domain + " ]"; } string Skype_id = ""; string skype = ""; if (drow[26].ToString() == "") { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3") || drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("X1C2R3", ""); skype = "" + "XcriticalID:" + Skype_id + ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("S1K2Y3", ""); skype = "Skype Me™!"; } else { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } } tc.Text = "" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[1].ToString().Substring(0, 33)) + ".." + "
" + email + "
" + "" + EnterpriseData + " " + "
" + " [ Keywords : " + Key1 + "," + Key2 + "," + Key3 + " ] " + "
" + " Financial Result/Value/Cost:
[" + (TransactionCost) + " ]
" + "
" + " [ Start Dt: " + StartDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " -- End Dt : " + EndDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " ] " + "
" + " [ City /State : " + StateCity + " ] " + "
" + skype; tc.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("Black"); tc.Font.Bold = true; } else { string email = ""; string emailx = drow[2].ToString(); int startindex = emailx.IndexOf("@"); string domain = emailx.Substring(startindex + 1); if (domain.Length >= 20) { email = " [ @" + domain.Substring(0, 20) + " ]"; } else { email = " [ @" + domain + " ]"; } string Skype_id = ""; string skype = ""; if (drow[26].ToString() == "") { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3") || drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("X1C2R3", ""); skype = "
" + "XcriticalID:" + Skype_id + ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("S1K2Y3", ""); skype = "Skype Me™!"; } else { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } } tc.Text = "" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[1].ToString()) + "" + "
" + email + "
" + "" + EnterpriseData + "" + "
" + " [ Keywords : " + Key1 + "," + Key2 + "," + Key3 + " ] " + "
" + " Financial Result/Value/Cost:
[" + (TransactionCost) + " ]
" + "
" + " [ Start Dt: " + StartDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " -- End Dt : " + EndDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " ] " + "
" + " [ City /State : " + StateCity + " ] " + "
" + skype; tc.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("Black"); tc.Font.Bold = true; } tr.Cells.Add(tc); TableCell tc2 = new TableCell(); tc2.Width = Unit.Percentage(62); String URLlink = ""; if (drow[13].ToString().Trim().ToLower().EndsWith("?")) { string searchtext = ""; if (ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("#")) { searchtext = ""; } else { searchtext = Server.UrlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()); } string Category = ""; if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Anything") { Category = "Anything"; } else { Category = Server.UrlEncode(DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString()); } string Country = ""; if (DDlsubCountry.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Any Country") { Country = "Global"; } else { Country = Server.UrlEncode(DDlsubCountry.SelectedItem.ToString()); } if (searchtext == "") { URLlink = "http://" + drow[13].ToString().ToLower().Trim(); } else { URLlink = "http://" + drow[13].ToString().ToLower().Trim() + "Country=" + Country + "&Search=" + searchtext + "&Category=" + Category; } } else { URLlink = "http://" + drow[13].ToString().ToLower().Trim(); } if (drow[8].ToString().Length > 600) { Int64 param = Int64.Parse(drow[0].ToString()); Int32 db = GetConnectionTableId(drow[24].ToString()); tc2.Text = "
" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[22].ToString())) + " " + "" + "" + "     " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[23].ToString())) + " - Views " + "     " + "" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[25].ToString())) + " +Ve " + " " + " + Vote" + "" + "
" + "

" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[8].ToString().Replace("ampx", "&").Substring(0, 600)) + "

"; //tc2.Font.Name = "Arial"; tc2.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle; //tc2.Font.Size = 10; } else { Int64 param = Int64.Parse(drow[0].ToString()); Int32 db = GetConnectionTableId(drow[24].ToString()); tc2.Text = "" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[22].ToString())) + " " + "" + "" + "     " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[23].ToString())) + " - Views " + "     " + "" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[25].ToString())) + " +Ve " + " " + " + Vote" + "" + "
" + "

" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[8].ToString()).Replace("ampx", "&") + "

"; //tc2.Font.Name = "Arial"; tc2.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle; //tc2.Font.Size = 10; } tc2.Width = Unit.Percentage(62); tr.Cells.Add(tc2); TableCell tcempty = new TableCell(); tcempty.Text = " "; //tc2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; tr.Cells.Add(tcempty); PlaceHolder ph2 = new PlaceHolder(); if (double.Parse(drow[19].ToString()) == 0.0000000) { } else { LinkButton link = new LinkButton(); string a = drow[19].ToString(); string b = drow[20].ToString(); link.OnClientClick = "OpenMap(" + a + "," + b + ");"; link.Attributes.Add("onClick", "return false;"); link.Text = "Map"; ph2.Controls.Add(link); } TableCell tc3 = new TableCell(); tc3.Width = Unit.Percentage(0); tr.Cells.Add(tc3); TableCell tc4 = new TableCell(); tc4.Width = Unit.Percentage(3); tc4.Controls.Add(ph2); tr.Cells.Add(tc4); tr.Height = 120; Table1.Rows.Add(tr); TableRow tr2 = new TableRow(); TableCell tcx = new TableCell(); tcx.Text = "
"; tcx.ColumnSpan = 11; tr2.Cells.Add(tcx); Table1.Rows.Add(tr2); } catch (Exception ex) { break; } } SearchResult.Controls.Add(Table1); LblResultsTypeTop.Text = "Category: " + DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString(); LblResultsTypebottom.Text = "Category: " + DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString(); } } public void bind_tableSuper(DataSet SuperResults) { int i; //TableRow theader = new TableRow(); //TableCell tcheader = new TableCell(); //tcheader.Text = "Seq"; //tcheader.Width = Unit.Percentage(6); //theader.Cells.Add(tcheader); //TableCell tcheaderA = new TableCell(); //tcheaderA.Text = "Company Name /Individual"; //tcheaderA.Width = Unit.Percentage(27); //theader.Cells.Add(tcheaderA); //TableCell tcheaderB = new TableCell(); //tcheaderB.Text = "Description"; //tcheaderB.Width = Unit.Percentage(62); //theader.Cells.Add(tcheaderB); //TableCell tcheaderEmpty = new TableCell(); //tcheaderEmpty.Text = ""; //tcheaderEmpty.Width = Unit.Percentage(2); //theader.Cells.Add(tcheaderEmpty); //TableCell tcheaderC = new TableCell(); //tcheaderC.Text = ""; //tcheaderC.Width = Unit.Percentage(0); //theader.Cells.Add(tcheaderC); //TableCell tcheaderD = new TableCell(); //tcheaderD.Text = "Map"; //tcheaderD.Width = Unit.Percentage(3); //theader.Cells.Add(tcheaderD); //theader.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("white"); //theader.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("black"); TableCell tcxy = new TableCell(); tcxy.Text = "
"; tcxy.ColumnSpan = 8; TableRow theaderline = new TableRow(); theaderline.Cells.Add(tcxy); Table Table1 = new Table(); Table1.Font.Size = 10; Table1.Font.Name = "Arial"; if (Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) > 0) { // Table1.Rows.Add(theader); Table1.Rows.Add(theaderline); for (i = 0; (i < rowperpages); i++) { if ((Int64.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()) <= rowperpages)) { rowperpages = Int32.Parse(ViewState["Super"].ToString()); } try { DataRow drow = SuperResults.Tables[0].Rows[i]; TableRow tr = new TableRow(); tr.Height = 50; tr.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.Solid; tr.BorderWidth = 1; string TransactionCost = CostofTransaction((drow[21].ToString())); DateTime StartDate = DateTime.Parse(drow[9].ToString()); DateTime EndDate = DateTime.Parse(drow[10].ToString()); String StateCity = drow[18].ToString(); if (StateCity == "Any" || StateCity == "any") { StateCity = "No City or State Information"; } string Key1 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[15].ToString()); if (Key1.StartsWith("#")) { Key1 = "--x--"; } string Key2 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[16].ToString()); if (Key2.StartsWith("#")) { Key2 = "--x--"; } string Key3 = HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[17].ToString()); if (Key3.StartsWith("#")) { Key3 = "--x--"; } TableCell tc = new TableCell(); tc.Width = Unit.Percentage(6); int rowcount; if (ViewState["hit"].ToString() == "0") { ViewState["Temphit"] = "1"; } else { ViewState["Temphit"] = ViewState["hit"]; } if ((Int32.Parse(ViewState["Temphit"].ToString()) == 1)) { rowcount = (i + 1); } else { rowcount = ((rowperpages * (Int32.Parse(ViewState["Temphit"].ToString()) - 1)) + (i + 1)); } tc.Text = rowcount.ToString(); tr.Cells.Add(tc); string EnterpriseData = drow[24].ToString() + " " + EmployeeStrength(drow[3].ToString()); // ''''' tc = new TableCell(); tc.Width = Unit.Percentage(27); if (drow[1].ToString().Length >= 33) { string email = ""; string emailx = drow[2].ToString(); int startindex = emailx.IndexOf("@"); string domain = emailx.Substring(startindex + 1); if (domain.Length >= 20) { email = " [ @" + domain.Substring(0, 20) + " ]"; } else { email = " [ @" + domain + " ]"; } string Skype_id = ""; string skype = ""; if (drow[26].ToString() == "") { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3") || drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("X1C2R3", ""); skype = "" + "XcriticalID:" + Skype_id + ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("S1K2Y3", ""); skype = "Skype Me™!"; } else { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } } tc.Text = "" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[1].ToString().Substring(0, 33)) + ".." + "
" + email + "
" + "" + EnterpriseData + " " + "
" + " [ Keywords : " + Key1 + "," + Key2 + "," + Key3 + " ] " + "
" + " Financial Result/Value/Cost:
[" + (TransactionCost) + " ]
" + "
" + " [ Start Dt: " + StartDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + "-- End Dt : " + EndDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " ] " + "
" + " [ City /State : " + StateCity + " ] " + "
" + skype; tc.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("Black"); tc.Font.Bold = true; } else { string email = ""; string emailx = drow[2].ToString(); int startindex = emailx.IndexOf("@"); string domain = emailx.Substring(startindex + 1); if (domain.Length >= 20) { email = " [ @" + domain.Substring(0, 20) + " ]"; } else { email = " [ @" + domain + " ]"; } string Skype_id = ""; string skype = ""; if (drow[26].ToString() == "") { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3") || drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("X1C2R3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("X1C2R3", ""); skype = "
" + "XcriticalID:" + Skype_id + ""; } else if (drow[26].ToString().Contains("S1K2Y3")) { Skype_id = drow[26].ToString().Replace("S1K2Y3", ""); skype = "Skype Me™!"; } else { Skype_id = ""; skype = ""; } } tc.Text = "" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[1].ToString()) + "" + "
" + email + "
" + "" + EnterpriseData + "" + "
" + " [ Keywords : " + Key1 + "," + Key2 + "," + Key3 + " ] " + "
" + " Financial Result/Value/Cost:
[ " + (TransactionCost) + " ]
" + "
" + " [ Start Dt: " + StartDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " -- End Dt : " + EndDate.ToString("dd-MMM-yyyy") + " ] " + "
" + " [ City /State : " + StateCity + " ] " + "
" + skype; tc.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("Black"); tc.Font.Bold = true; } tr.Cells.Add(tc); TableCell tc2 = new TableCell(); tc2.Width = Unit.Percentage(62); String URLlink = ""; if (drow[13].ToString().Trim().ToLower().EndsWith("?")) { string searchtext = ""; if (ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim().StartsWith("#")) { searchtext = ""; } else { searchtext = Server.UrlEncode(ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim()); } string Category = ""; if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Anything") { Category = "Anything"; } else { Category = Server.UrlEncode(DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString()); } string Country = ""; if (DDlsubCountry.SelectedItem.ToString() == "Any Country") { Country = "Global"; } else { Country = Server.UrlEncode(DDlsubCountry.SelectedItem.ToString()); } if (searchtext == "") { URLlink = "http://" + drow[13].ToString().ToLower().Trim(); } else { URLlink = "http://" + drow[13].ToString().ToLower().Trim() + "Country=" + Country + "&Search=" + searchtext + "&Category=" + Category; } } else { URLlink = "http://" + drow[13].ToString().ToLower().Trim(); } if (drow[8].ToString().Length > 600) { Int64 param = Int64.Parse(drow[0].ToString()); Int32 db = GetConnectionTableId(drow[24].ToString()); tc2.Text = "
" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[22].ToString())) + " " + "" + "" + "     " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[23].ToString())) + " - Views " + "     " + "" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[25].ToString())) + " +Ve " + " " + " + Vote" + "" + "
" + "

" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[8].ToString().Replace("ampx", "&").Substring(0, 600)) + "

"; //tc2.Font.Name = "Arial"; tc2.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle; //tc2.Font.Size = 10; } else { Int64 param = Int64.Parse(drow[0].ToString()); Int32 db = GetConnectionTableId(drow[24].ToString()); tc2.Text = "" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[22].ToString())) + " " + "" + "" + "     " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[23].ToString())) + " - Views " + "     " + "" + " " + (HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[25].ToString())) + " +Ve " + " " + " + Vote" + "" + "
" + "

" + HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(drow[8].ToString()).Replace("ampx", "&") + "

"; //tc2.Font.Name = "Arial"; tc2.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Middle; //tc2.Font.Size = 10; } //tc2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; tc2.Width = Unit.Percentage(62); tr.Cells.Add(tc2); TableCell tcempty = new TableCell(); tcempty.Text = " "; //tc2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; tr.Cells.Add(tcempty); PlaceHolder ph2 = new PlaceHolder(); if (double.Parse(drow[19].ToString()) == 0.0000000) { } else { LinkButton link = new LinkButton(); string a = drow[19].ToString(); string b = drow[20].ToString(); link.OnClientClick = "OpenMap(" + a + "," + b + ");"; link.Attributes.Add("onClick", "return false;"); link.Text = "Map"; ph2.Controls.Add(link); } TableCell tc3 = new TableCell(); tc3.Width = Unit.Percentage(0); tr.Cells.Add(tc3); TableCell tc4 = new TableCell(); tc4.Width = Unit.Percentage(3); tc4.Controls.Add(ph2); tr.Cells.Add(tc4); tr.Height = 120; Table1.Rows.Add(tr); TableRow tr2 = new TableRow(); TableCell tcx = new TableCell(); tcx.Text = "
"; tcx.ColumnSpan = 11; tr2.Cells.Add(tcx); Table1.Rows.Add(tr2); } catch (Exception ex) { break; } } SearchResult.Controls.Add(Table1); LblResultsTypeTop.Text = "Category: " + DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString(); LblResultsTypebottom.Text = "Category: " + DDlistDiscipline.SelectedItem.ToString(); } } public void link_button_click(object sender, System.EventArgs e) { CustomLinkButton ctrl = new CustomLinkButton(); ctrl = (CustomLinkButton)sender; ViewState["hit"] = 0; ViewState["SearchText"] = ctrl.LinkSecondaryData.ToString().Trim(); ViewState["SearchState"] = TxtCityState.Text.ToString().Trim(); TxtPageBox.Text = ""; TxtPageBox2.Text = ""; Tcvdiv.Attributes.Add("style", "display:none"); string search = WebSearchEngineQuery(); if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Web".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "# Related keywords- not allowed for Web search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Content".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "# Related keywords- not allowed for Content Search "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } else if (DDlistSearchType.SelectedValue.ToLower() == "Company".ToLower()) { if (search.StartsWith("#")) { MessageEnterpriseLabel.Text = "# Related keywords- not allowed for Enterprise or Individuals "; BtnPageHit.Enabled = false; BtnPageHit2.Enabled = false; PageTop.Visible = false; PageBottom.Visible = false; } } else { populateSearch(); } } public void SearchAssistBindHtml(String Searchword) { SearchAssist instance = new SearchAssist(); ArrayList SpecialArraylist = instance.SearchAssistMethod(Searchword); TableRow SearchAssistRow = new TableRow(); TableCell tcHeading = new TableCell(); tcHeading.Text = "Related Search Keywords:"; SearchAssistRow.Controls.Add(tcHeading); foreach (SearchAssistData SaData in SpecialArraylist) { // LinkButton searchAssist = new LinkButton(); CustomLinkButton searchAssist = new CustomLinkButton(); searchAssist.Click += link_button_click; searchAssist.Text = SaData.LinkDisplay.ToString(); searchAssist.LinkSecondaryData = SaData.SearchCode; searchAssist.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; searchAssist.Font.Size = 10; TableCell tcSearchCell = new TableCell(); TableCell tcEmptyspace = new TableCell(); tcEmptyspace.Text = "    "; tcSearchCell.Controls.Add(searchAssist); SearchAssistRow.Controls.Add(tcEmptyspace); SearchAssistRow.Controls.Add(tcSearchCell); } if (SpecialArraylist.Count > 0) { PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(SearchAssistRow); //PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Visible = true; } else { TableCell tcHeadingEmpty = new TableCell(); PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); tcHeadingEmpty.Text = "";// "No Related KeyWords Found:"; //PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(tcHeadingEmpty); //PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("
")); PlaceHolderSearchAssist.Visible = false; } } public void Searchweb(String _queryString) { try { //SearchResponse searchResponse; BingService.SearchResponse searchResponse; // execute the query searchResponse = runQuery(_queryString); renderWebResults(searchResponse); } catch (System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException ex) { // DisplayErrors(ex.Detail); throw; } catch (System.Net.WebException ex) { //Console.WriteLine(ex.Message); throw; } } protected SearchResponse runQuery(string query) { //MSNSearchService s = new MSNSearchService(); BingService.BingService service = new BingService.BingService(); SearchRequest request = new SearchRequest(); // Common request fields (required) request.AppId = _APPID; request.Query = query; request.Sources = new SourceType[] { SourceType.Web }; // Common request fields (optional) request.Version = "2.0"; request.Market = "en-US"; request.Adult = AdultOption.Moderate; request.AdultSpecified = true; request.Options = new SearchOption[] { SearchOption.EnableHighlighting }; // Web-specific request fields (optional) request.Web = new BingService.WebRequest(); request.Web.Count = 15; request.Web.CountSpecified = true; request.Web.Offset = 0; request.Web.OffsetSpecified = true; request.Options = new SearchOption[] { SearchOption.EnableHighlighting }; request.Web.Options = new WebSearchOption[] { WebSearchOption.DisableHostCollapsing, WebSearchOption.DisableQueryAlterations }; SearchResponse response = service.Search(request); return response; // SearchResponse searchResponse = s.Search(searchRequest); // BingService.SearchResponse searchResponse = s.Search(searchRequest); } static void DisplayTextWithHighlighting(string text) { // Write text to the standard output stream, changing the console // foreground color as highlighting characters are encountered. foreach (char c in text.ToCharArray()) { if (c == '\uE000') { // If the current character is the begin highlighting // character (U+E000), change the console foreground color // to green. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Green; } else if (c == '\uE001') { // If the current character is the end highlighting // character (U+E001), revert the console foreground color // to gray. Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray; } else { Console.Write(c); } } } private void DisplayErrors(XmlNode errorDetails) { // Add the default namespace to the namespace manager. XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(errorDetails.OwnerDocument.NameTable); nsmgr.AddNamespace("api", ""); XmlNodeList errors = errorDetails.SelectNodes("./api:Errors/api:Error", nsmgr); if (errors != null) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); foreach (XmlNode error in errors) { foreach (XmlNode detail in error.ChildNodes) builder.AppendLine(detail.Name + ": " + detail.InnerText); builder.AppendLine(Environment.NewLine); } } } protected void renderWebResults(BingService.SearchResponse queryResults) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); TableRow theader = new TableRow(); TableCell tcheader = new TableCell(); tcheader.Text = "Web Search Results"; tcheader.Width = 700; theader.Cells.Add(tcheader); theader.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; theader.Font.Bold = true; theader.Font.Size = 12; theader.Font.Name = "Arial"; //theader.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffba14"); theader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue; Table Table1 = new Table(); //-- Advertisement Code -- Table TableAdvertise = new Table(); Table TableFinalRender = new Table(); TableRow FinalRow = new TableRow(); TableRow AdvtHeader = new TableRow(); TableCell TCell1 = new TableCell(); TableCell TCell2 = new TableCell(); TableCell tcheaderAdvt = new TableCell(); tcheaderAdvt.Text = "Super Sponsored Advertisements"; tcheaderAdvt.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; AdvtHeader.Width = 400; AdvtHeader.Cells.Add(tcheaderAdvt); AdvtHeader.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; AdvtHeader.Font.Bold = true; AdvtHeader.Font.Size = 12; AdvtHeader.Font.Name = "Arial"; //theader.BackColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#ffba14"); AdvtHeader.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(AdvtHeader); //---------------------------- //TCell2.Width = 500; TCell1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; TCell2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; FinalRow.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Left; Table1.Rows.Add(theader); Table1.Width = 700; Table1.Font.Size = 10; Table1.Font.Name = "Verdana"; //foreach (Result sourceResult in queryResults.Responses[SR_WEB].Results) Int32 i = 1; if (queryResults.Web.Results != null) { foreach (BingService.WebResult sourceResult in queryResults.Web.Results) { string title, description, url; title = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceResult.Title)) ? sourceResult.Title : ""; title = title.Replace("\uE000", string.Empty).Replace("\uE001", string.Empty); description = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceResult.Description)) ? sourceResult.Description : ""; description = description.Replace("\uE000", string.Empty).Replace("\uE001", string.Empty); url = (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(sourceResult.Url)) ? sourceResult.Url : ""; TableRow tr = new TableRow(); TableCell tc2 = new TableCell(); System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink TitleLink = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink(); TitleLink.Text = title; TitleLink.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Blue; TitleLink.NavigateUrl = url; TitleLink.Target = "_blank"; TitleLink.Font.Size = 11; tc2.Controls.Add(TitleLink); tr.Cells.Add(tc2); Table1.Rows.Add(tr); TableRow tr2 = new TableRow(); TableCell tc3 = new TableCell(); tc3.Text = description; tr2.Cells.Add(tc3); Table1.Rows.Add(tr2); System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink but = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink(); but.Target = "_blank"; if (url.Length >= 75) { but.Text = url.ToString().Substring(0, 75).Trim().ToLower(); but.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen; but.Font.Bold = false; } else { but.Text = url.ToString().Trim().ToLower(); but.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen; //but.ForeColor = System.Drawing.ColorTranslator.FromHtml("#85CA39"); but.Font.Bold = false; } //but.NavigateUrl = url; PlaceHolder ph1 = new PlaceHolder(); ph1.Controls.Add(but); TableRow tr3 = new TableRow(); TableCell tc4 = new TableCell(); tc4.Controls.Add(ph1); tr3.Cells.Add(tc4); Table1.Rows.Add(tr3); //---------------------------------------------Advertisement Code------------------------------// if (i <= 4) { string[] ads = Advertisements(i); i++; string strNavigate = ads[0]; // update Description string strCompany = ads[1]; // update Active string strCaption = ads[2]; System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink Hlink = new System.Web.UI.WebControls.HyperLink(); Hlink.Target = "_blank"; if (strNavigate != "") { Hlink.NavigateUrl = "http://" + strNavigate; Hlink.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen; } else { Hlink.NavigateUrl = ""; Hlink.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.YellowGreen; } if (strNavigate.Length >= 25) { Hlink.Text = strNavigate.Substring(0, 25); } else { Hlink.Text = strNavigate; } Label Company = new Label(); if (strCompany.Length >= 25) { Company.Text = strCompany.Substring(0, 25); } else { Company.Text = strCompany; } Label Caption = new Label(); if (strCaption.Length >= 35) { Caption.Text = strCaption.Substring(0, 35); } else { Caption.Text = strCaption; } TableRow Hyperlinkrow1 = new TableRow(); TableCell HyperCell1 = new TableCell(); HyperCell1.Controls.Add(Company); HyperCell1.Font.Bold = true; HyperCell1.Font.Size = 10; HyperCell1.Font.Name = "Arial"; HyperCell1.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; HyperCell1.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; Hyperlinkrow1.Cells.Add(HyperCell1); TableRow Hyperlinkrow2 = new TableRow(); TableCell HyperCell2 = new TableCell(); HyperCell2.Controls.Add(Caption); HyperCell2.Font.Bold = true; HyperCell2.Font.Size = 10; HyperCell2.Font.Name = "Arial"; HyperCell2.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; HyperCell2.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; //Hyperlinkrow1.Cells.Add(HyperCell1); Hyperlinkrow2.Cells.Add(HyperCell2); TableRow Hyperlinkrow3 = new TableRow(); TableCell HyperCell3 = new TableCell(); HyperCell3.Controls.Add(Hlink); HyperCell3.Font.Bold = true; HyperCell3.Font.Size = 10; HyperCell3.Font.Name = "Arial"; HyperCell3.ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.GreenYellow; HyperCell3.HorizontalAlign = HorizontalAlign.Center; //Hyperlinkrow1.Cells.Add(HyperCell1); Hyperlinkrow3.Cells.Add(HyperCell3); TableAdvertise.Width = 400; TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(Hyperlinkrow1); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(Hyperlinkrow2); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(Hyperlinkrow3); TableCell Emptycell = new TableCell(); Emptycell.Text = "

"; TableRow EmptyRow = new TableRow(); EmptyRow.Cells.Add(Emptycell); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(EmptyRow); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(EmptyRow); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(EmptyRow); } else { TableCell Emptycell = new TableCell(); Emptycell.Text = ""; TableRow EmptyRow = new TableRow(); EmptyRow.Cells.Add(Emptycell); TableAdvertise.Width = 400; TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(EmptyRow); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(EmptyRow); TableAdvertise.Rows.Add(EmptyRow); } //------------------------------- TableRow tr4 = new TableRow(); TableCell tcx = new TableCell(); tcx.Text = "
"; tcx.ColumnSpan = 11; tr4.Cells.Add(tcx); Table1.Rows.Add(tr4); TCell1.Controls.Add(Table1); TCell2.Controls.Add(TableAdvertise); FinalRow.VerticalAlign = VerticalAlign.Top; FinalRow.Cells.Add(TCell1); FinalRow.Cells.Add(TCell2); TableFinalRender.Rows.Add(FinalRow); } WebSearchResult.Controls.Add(TableFinalRender); } } private string CostofTransaction(string Cost) { string Currency = ""; if (Cost.Contains("Dollar")) { Currency = "($)USD"; } else if (Cost.Contains("Euro")) { Currency = "(€)Euro"; } else if (Cost.Contains("Pound")) { Currency = "(£)Pound"; } else if (Cost.Contains("Yen")) { Currency = "(¥)Yen"; } else if (Cost.Contains("Yuan")) { Currency = "(?)Yuan"; } else if (Cost.Contains("LocalCurrency")) { Currency = "Loc Currency"; } Cost = Cost.Replace("Dollar", ""); Cost = Cost.Replace("Euro", ""); Cost = Cost.Replace("Pound", ""); Cost = Cost.Replace("Yen", ""); Cost = Cost.Replace("Yuan", ""); Cost = Cost.Replace("LocalCurrency", ""); float strCost = 0; strCost = float.Parse(Cost); string FinalCostStr = ""; if (Math.Abs(strCost) < 1000000) { FinalCostStr = String.Format("{0:0.0}", strCost) + " " + Currency; } if (Math.Abs(strCost) > 1000000) { FinalCostStr = String.Format("{0:0.000}", (strCost / 1000000)) + " Million " + Currency; } if (Math.Abs(strCost) > 1000000000) { FinalCostStr = String.Format("{0:0.000}", (strCost / 1000000000)) + " Billion " + Currency; } return FinalCostStr; } private string EmployeeStrength(string number) { String strCost = ""; if (number == "20") { strCost = "0-20 Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "50") { strCost = "20-50 Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "500") { strCost = "50-500 Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "2500") { strCost = "500-2.5K Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "5000") { strCost = "2.5K-5K Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "20000") { strCost = "5K-20K Employees(Firm) "; return strCost; } else if (number == "50000") { strCost = "20K-50K Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "100000") { strCost = "50K-100K Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "200000") { strCost = "100K-200K Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "500000") { strCost = "200K-500K Employees(Firm)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Nation") { strCost = "(National-Community)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "City") { strCost = "(City Community)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "State") { strCost = "(State Community)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Township") { strCost = "(Town Community)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Rural") { strCost = "(Rural Community)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Integrated") { strCost = "(Integrated)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Science") { strCost = "(Science)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Technology") { strCost = "(Technical)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "Arts") { strCost = "(Arts)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "SpecialSciences") { strCost = "(Special)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "OtherEducation") { strCost = "(Other Edu)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "10Years") { strCost = "(Age 10-15 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "20Years") { strCost = "(Age 15-20 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "30Years") { strCost = "(Age 20-30 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "40Years") { strCost = "(Age 30-40 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "50Years") { strCost = "(Age 40-50 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "60Years") { strCost = "(Age 50-60 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "70Years") { strCost = "(Age 60-70 Yrs)"; return strCost; } else if (number == "70YearsPlus") { strCost = "(Age 70+ Yrs)"; return strCost; } return strCost; } private string WebSearchEngineQuery() { string search = ViewState["SearchText"].ToString().Trim(); if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "HR") { search = search + " " + "Jobs"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Service") { search = search + " " + "Services"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Offers") { search = search + " " + "Offers Discounts"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Blogs") { search = search + " " + "Blogs"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Books") { search = search + " " + "Books"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "News") { search = search + " " + "News"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Video") { search = search + " " + "Video"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Downloads") { search = search + " " + "Download"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Reviews") { search = search + " " + "Review"; return search; } else if (DDlistDiscipline.SelectedValue == "Contact") { search = search + " " + "Contact address"; return search; } return search; } TCVECTE-TOMMY-TA--ENSTEGOENSTEIT [ EMECTIONAB-ENVECT ---- 128 FUNCTION NAMES ] SOURAV-ENSTEGO ---1485 BBSR - ADVERFIC - TCVECTE-BUREAUOFFICE }